Turbo Lover

Fifty minutes of unflinching eye contact with each and every audience member. Jokes so milky your entire body will be calcified into a bristling exoskeleton. Riffs and callbacks so brutal you’ll beg for mercy. No refunds.

Turbo Lover is a departure from the solo sketch, character, storytelling and original songs of Buck Wild and Good Egg. It’s a pure stand up show that examines the conditions that have shaped Scout’s experiences of romance and intimacy, including having two microeconomist parents, briefly dating a murderous ex-Jehovah’s Witness and the harrowing adolescent sexual awakening of Sims 2: Nightlife Expansion pack.

Praise for Turbo Lover

“This cheerful oddball’s stupidly freewheeling show is a real pick-me-up… Boxall has jokes, but it all works mainly because of their thoroughly endearing strength of personality, embracing their peculiarities and welcoming the audience to hop on board their brain dump, as messy and random as it is.” - Chortle

“This night was heavy on audience interaction. Boxall managed to take even the most banal responses and weave magic [with] weird and wonderful truisms you can’t imagine any other performer pulling off.” - The Age, ★★★★

Turbo Lover combines Boxall’s numerous talents such as, but not limited to, musical numbers and PowerPoint presentations, weaving them into a show which is equally self- and audience-deprecating. High levels of crowd participation, while not for the faint of heart, means every show is unique and aids Boxall’s quest to find Australia’s most popular conspiracy theory… Do yourself a favour, and loudly proclaim that you were there when Scout Boxall was first starting out.” - The List, ★★★★